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We have a lot going through our minds--information overload in the era of global communications and technological advancements--sometimes we find the only way to express ourselves and define our own truth is manifested through our words (otherwise, we'll be on the dance floor--cha cha cha). 

 "Get Ready Now":  America's Youth are Seeking the Truth

-Lanni is out there

 What is an average young American supposed to do after she attends a 4-year state university?  Well, most would say enter the job market, raise a family behind a white picket fence, and ride in her Benz to retire in Florida.  After all, isn’t that the American dream?  It’s capitalism at its best except it doesn’t feel right to me.  I’ve always been one to question the motives of a society that has six-year-old girls on diets and 80-year-old women getting botox.  Today, however, I’ve been asking more questions than usual.  Now my suspicions are not just aimed at advertisers who sell us lingerie by women dressed up as angels, but to our president who seems to be selling us lies. 

Michael Moore may have said it at a sensitive time but it was nonetheless the truth, “We live in a time where fictitious election results give us a fictitious president.”  The novel didn’t end there though.  In the next chapter he started a preemptive war, spreading American dislike around the globe.  If you don’t like to read, you could compare his mission to kill Saddam Hussein to a scene right out of the film Apocalypse Now, “Terminate with extreme prejudice”.  Even the Pope can’t argue that Saddam was a devilish dictator but why is it that a lot of Americans believe this Iraqi war was fought in retaliation for 9/11?  Wasn’t it made clear that culprit was previously United States CIA trained and funded Osama Bin Laden?  Regardless, through the use of fear, Bush got the masses to follow him, while any conscientious objector to his policies was branded unpatriotic.  I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple of hippies were even exiled to Siberia. 

Let’s move on to chapter 2 or scene 2, whatever you prefer.  Operation Iraqi Freedom was accomplished, we had conquered and we had won.  Why wasn’t anyone celebrating?  Probably because we went to war without planning ahead (D’oh!), amassed a projected $480 billion deficit, our troops were still dying abroad while we were cutting Vietnam veterans’ benefits, and damn it, we were still paying $1.74 for gas.  Somebody was celebrating though, you just didn’t hear about it because you weren’t invited to the party.  A bunch of CEO’s over at Halliburton, which was formerly headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, had won a contract for $1.7 billion because of the success of this Operation.  The Washington Institute for Policy Studies also published a report that the 50 companies who had the most lay-offs in 2001 also had a median pay increase of 44% to the CEOs.  Should I even continue to explain the injustice of the Texas redistricting, California recall, or Ashcroft’s Patriot Act?  This Republican Administration has waged war, and not just against foreign countries or even democrats, but against democracy itself.

So, while the rich of our country get tax breaks on Hummers, college graduates are being screamed at by men such as Ron Eibensteiner, chairman of the Minnesota Republican Party, to I quote, “Get a job!”.  Well, since making a career out of lying is left up to the professionals, I guess an amateur like myself is stuck trying to uncover the truth.  Jay Leno gave me an idea when he joked, “President Bush’s economic team is now on their Jobs & Growth bus tour all across America.  I think the only job they created so far is for the guy driving the bus”.  Only I’m not joking, I am going to drive the bus.  Okay, actually it’s my car and I won’t be getting paid for it. 

I’m not alone in questioning this government.  I’m not the only one my age who can’t find a job to match their degree, who didn’t agree to this war and doesn’t want their librarian tattling on her because she read “George W. Bushisms: The Slate Book of The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President”.  I can’t be the only one who has moral issues about funding the killing of Iraqi children instead of using that same money to feed the world.  Actually, I need to know that I am not the only one who is tired of being deceived and lied too by an Administration that withheld evidence because it didn’t support their views.  In less than a week my cousin and I will hit the road on a journey across the United States.  We plan on doing something that hasn’t been done; we plan to listen.  Along the way, we hope to inspire and raise consciousness that people who feel this need for change are not alone.  In reality, we are the majority of Americans and we are at an extremely unique moment in history.  We stand at a crossroads where we have the power to alter the course of events and give the historians something to write about besides war.  Along with the help of some ardent praying and genuine faith in people, we hope to trigger an already present grassroots movement capable of changing this political landscape. 

We might be coming to your city.  Although we don’t have Starbucks to support our “campaign”, we do have something else the “competition” is lacking:  an open mind and a willing ear.  The novel isn’t finished yet folks and the director hasn’t said, “That’s a wrap”.  We still have time to buy this rough draft screenplay from the big giant Hollywood producer and write our own ending.  Let us know you’re out there, for the sake of my own sanity and for the sake of the future of the United States.  But no matter what you do, don’t tell me to “Get a job!”.


Is God on Bush’s Side?

Lanni really wants to know

 “We Americans have faith in ourselves but not in ourselves alone…placing our confidence in the loving God behind all of life, and all of history.  May He guide us now. And may God continue to bless the United States of America.” --George W. Bush, 2003 State of the Union Address.

        The historical and overwhelmingly mainstream idea that Christians should accept religion and patriotism uniformly is perplexing to me.  When George W. Bush pledges allegiance to God while supporting big money domination and big wars, I can’t help but feel that he is a hypocrite.  Immediately thereafter, my mind races to my early years in religious education classes and nightly Bible readings.  For years I’d been reading about how Jesus professed unconditional love for all his children and preached the human characteristics of humility and compassion.  Even within my own personal relationship with God, I just can’t see him justifying man’s use of unbridled power coated in greed to dominate another race of human beings, especially in His name.  Of course, in history books there are a plethora of examples where men have conquered, killed, and raped on their own accord, and unfortunately even the Catholic Church is guilty of these sins.  My uneasiness with accepting Bush’s holy war had created a nagging annoyance in my subconscious, but it was after reading an article by Peter Meilaender entitled “Christians as Patriots”, that really began my ardent assessment of the subject.

         In this article he states that there are two main reasons why people love their country:  because it is good and because it is our own, and that neither reason can stand without the other.  The essay concludes by making two stringent declarations.  The first is that, as Christians, our loyalties should not be divided between the Church and the State but rather that they are multiplied to incorporate both.  In the second statement Meilaender believes that Christians are the model for any polity to have as its citizens because they know the true meaning of loving unconditionally.  Basically, his essay declares that religion and patriotism together can and should be accepted by Christians.  It’s apparent that Bush also takes this stance and that a majority of Americans blindly accept his rhetoric, precisely because they are both- religious and patriotic. 

This rhetoric includes our need to love our society because it is God-given.  This is especially apparent by the signs that have popped up everywhere saying, “God bless America”.  I can’t help but question this logic and ask myself, “Is this society God’s gift or is it now so completely man-made that secularization and post-modernization have completely taken over any sort of sacred plan?  Are we truly loving something that is still in God’s image”?  Theorist Emile Durkheim believed that social cohesion was threatened by the breakdown of small communities and the rise of modern urban life.  Whereas religion used to dominate all facets of society, it has now become autonomous in a society currently controlled by capitalist social organizations.  A shift has occurred from communal religious life to industrialized self-fulfilling prophecies.  When the Church became an isolated sector of society and the government became the official voice, man’s quest for his own good may have superseded that of God’s. 

               Marx believed that religion was used as a tool by the State to maintain its capitalist goals.  Throughout history societies have been constructed with religious undertones, making it easier to get an already religiously socialized mass to obey a newly formed state structure.  The Founding Fathers mirrored their political dogma to that of the church’s by using familiar forms of symbolism.  The Gettysburg Address used imagery that likened death by patriotism to the death of Jesus on the cross, “Those who here gave their lives, that the nation might live”.  Abraham Lincoln was considered a martyr for the abolitionist cause as Joan of Arc was for liberating the people of France.  The American flag flew from every doorstep as a symbol for our newly fought independence as the cross hung from wall to wall as a symbol of our rebirth in Christ.  The church had days to commemorate past saintly heroes while the state created Memorial Day to celebrate its past uniformed heroes.  These nationalist symbols were done for a reason: To make it easier for religious Americans to indubitably accept the political agendas of our leaders.

          We are being told that we should love our country even with its imperfections, and that those who speak out about fighting wars, foreign policy, or a need for peace are unpatriotic.  Now, if religion and patriotism are to be accepted uniformly, that must mean that Christians must accept these wars, ballistic missile defense plans, patriot acts, and whatever grandiose ideas are next from our leaders.  This is where the problem lies; religious teachings call for open communication, non-violent resolutions, human rights, and peace.  So, religion and patriotism cannot be accepted uniformly anymore.  Our leaders have strayed away from these teachings but are leading us to believe they are, in fact, devout Christians.  So far it has been a very strategic and beneficial move.

          God’s most important commandment is “Thou shall love their neighbor as they love themselves”.  It seems to me that currently this means our neighbors are strictly within the boundaries of the United States.  We justified our patriotism after 9/11 because Christians should love their home, that which was destined to them by God.  Yet, ignored that this thing that we loved was acting on its own behalf, for its own goals and not within the teachings of God.  Our nation is retaliating at our enemies and not at the Taliban, the real terrorists of 9/11, through war.  This is a war that is killing our earthly neighbors and invading another’s homeland for our own personal economic profit.  If it is not about money, then I urge the Bush Administration to relinquish control of all oil fields to the Iraqi people.  Surely this will not be done.

          Some Catholics may be aware of just-cause where war under certain circumstances is acceptable.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church limits just-cause to cases in which "the use of force must have serious prospects for success" and "must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated".  In fact, just-cause is interpreted as a means of preventing wars and should be avoided at all rational costs.  At a U.S. conference of Catholic Bishops in November 2002, they released this statement: “We fear that to resort to war, under present circumstances and in light of current public information, would not meet the strict conditions in Catholic teaching [for just-cause].  We hope that our moral concerns and questions will be considered seriously by our leaders and all citizens.  We pray for President Bush and other world leaders that they will find the will and the ways to step back from the brink of war with Iraq and work for a peace that is just and enduring.”

        I don’t believe this has been the next prophetic “American Crusade”.  As Christians, how can we justify a country that acts in an un-Godly manner as we sit around idly with all this love, knowing that our fellow neighbors are suffering?  God’s commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself means standing in solidarity with him/her, no matter our origins of birth.  We all have a social contract that binds us to the society where we were born because that is the nature of citizenship.  I believe that God wants us to respect and love our societies here on earth as much as we strive to live with him in Heaven.  However, modernization and capitalism have played a huge role in leading our country away from religion.  Our society has become a product of man-made desires for individualistic goals, and the current administration is furthering our spiral away from God’s sincere desires.

No Christian can argue with the fact that we are called to love our fellow human beings.  Well, love does not just extend to our family or our personal nation; it encompasses the entire world, including the people who are dying defending our freedom and those they are killing.  As the saying goes, “If we assume that life is worth living and that man has a right to survive, then we must find an alternative to war”.  I don’t understand how we can applaud and vote for a man who chose preemptive war while completely ignoring resolutions of true peace.  There is nothing wrong with being a Christian or a patriot, but we do not need to be forced to incorporate them both when our religious identities are being used as tool for deception.  God does not take sides when terrorism and wars are pitted as rich versus rich for control over the poor.  God is not on the side of Saddam Hussein or George W. Bush.  We must stop killing in the name of religion and patriotism overseas and return our troops to their families.  I like my country, but I cannot truly love it until it stops masking its social policies with religious overtones. 


See to it that no one captivate you with an empty, seductive philosophy according to human tradition, according to the elemental powers of the world and not according to Christ.  Colossians 2:8.



We say, "God bless America", and although I hope He does, it's an incredibly arrogant assumption.  That we are the only country on this planet Earth, that we're his favorite child because we are the last-born.  Bush does not speak for God; he is not one of his chosen disciples sent from Heaven to conquer all evil.  In fact, his words with raised eyebrows, stern premonitions and egotistical presence suggests he himself.... could be the devil.  Yes, that's right, I said it; Bush could be the devil, because he ain't no saint and he ain't no martyr.  So stop believing that he is religious or that when he kneels down to pray he says, "God bless the world" and not, "God bless my bank account".  He kills foreign babies but American fetuses are protected by the law.  He kills blacks and whites in Texas then sends their brothers and sisters to kill more.  His creed is to weed out the bad on the streets, in the jails, in your neighborhoods, and across the oceans.  If the bad is evil, then the good are American.  This is not about good v/s evil.  It's about haves v/s have-nots.  About rich v/s rich to have power over the poor.  If you spoke for God you'd put that $3.9 billion a month to fix the schools, feed the homeless, or create a Department of Peaceland Security.  You'd ditch your wealth and take your "Insert big company name here" diapers off and learn to walk by yourself.  Your wife says and I quote, "I've never enjoyed such perks, someone comes in daily to comb my hair".  If you truly cared about the will of God, you'd take that silver spoon out of your ass and put it in the offering basket.  You see the devil is a master of disguise hidden behind words like "Heil Hitler" and "Bring 'em on".  Let's stop hailing to this thief, defender of the red, white, and blue.  Because Georgie says, "God bless America" and God says, "Sure, but what about the rest of my creation?".  Peace is not created through war, personal greed is not obtained at the expense of the rest of humanity, and Jesus' teachings have nothing to do with arrogance, egos, dominance or winning elections- by any means necessary.

My cousin Lanni said to me the other night, "You know Sara, you used to be a lot of fun." I laughed to myself thinking she had it all wrong, I still am a lot of fun, but I began to perspire at the thought that perhaps I have indeed allowed the negativity to grab hold of me by the throat and drag me around barely breathing. If this is true, than it is imperative to remove Bush from office not only for numerous security reasons but for my own sanity as well. Please, visit the polls on election day, November 2004, for your own emotional well-being, if not mine. It may be taking a toll without being recognized.

WANT CHANGE?ACT NOW! Lanni's Letter to the Editor

Candidate Sara rambles for a moment:

There is something inherently wrong with capitalism; food goes to people who can pay for it, one half to three fourths of sub-Saharan Africa lives in 'absolute poverty' and I wonder how much food is wasted each day…simply thrown away without a second thought.

(Note, if you will, that my opinion is that of a twenty something philosopher of pop culture raised on Cool Ranch Doritos and Honey Nut Cheerios, so I won’t take offense if you pay no heed, but if you would be so kind and offer your mind to these words I’ve written and hit me back with some constructive criticism it might help me in the long run.)

Forgive me if I’m stating the obvious, but here are just a few reasons I thought better of allowing Bush to strike again for the presidency. Myself, I’ve never given too much thought about this office other than the fact that I am beset by so many old white men with fancy suits and ties to match pretty bank accounts and trophy wives. I often fantasize about the power elite, the prearranged core at the head of this class war, media monopoly and military gusto, interconnected and indistinguishable, making deals at cocktail parties or on the green shooting for three under par and talking about the imperialistic war machine. How long has this been the tradition? If it’s these dudes who have been dictating our American values I think it’s time a new frame of mind was given some limelight, but the more I think about the apparent blatancy for a refreshing new outlook, I realize that the entire establishment would be in danger of collapse. The enterprise, as it were, would stand in imminent jeopardy were the lumpen proletariat to collectively scrutinize this society spectacle*. Perhaps western civilization hasn’t quite reached its' impasse. Perhaps it’s necessary to wrap itself forcefully around the entire globe, suffocating this sphere we call home, so that no man, woman or child can rest in peace without being tormented under the warped ideas of our "freedom" and "liberty."  The world is at war, people die poor, and over here in good ol' America we're taught to want more, more, more.  Maybe it will take awhile longer to even the score of dissenters who thought better of this way of life.

(President of my university cuts a progressive liberal arts program benefiting hundreds of buoyant youth optimistic for global change opposing the scandals of westernization and neo-liberalism, and instead, this prez proudly funds a multi-million dollar snack house home to McDonalds and Panda Express, to name two amidst the filth of fast food.  President of my university assigns designated areas, conveniently plotted lots of grass, to voice dispute rather than encouraging students to actively and continuously question, discuss, analyze and probe every situation at all times--silence sweeps inquisition under the rug of perceived order.  President of my university invites kickbacks from large corporations to conduct research on campus as well as maintaining the thriving military presence never letting me forget as I walk to class under the screams of fighter planes flying overhead, and eventually I become weary.)

…Sometimes the principle of the matter is the sulfur on the match that sets me ablaze and for that reason I impulsively walk away from the public institution without any regard for my past and future knowing that somehow I am doing the right thing...

Attempting to remain afloat in this technocratic influx of appropriations and meta-appropriations, my life seems a representation of what or whom I see on TV or the big screen or a billboard, another product whore saluting the magnificent spoils of the American commodity system, bred to consume, already a target market by the time I could crawl, branded by big name corporations, peering down hollow aisles, fluorescent possessions trying to pierce my pocketbook like an x-ray machine.  I’m wearing the lead cloak of poverty and my pocketbook is empty. Caught in the catch-22 of Sam Walton's American Dream, too poor not to shop at the superstore supporting sweatshops, driving out mom and pop from their general store just down the block.  Tick tock, the clock is turning on and off work days and weekends.  My grandma tells me, "Sara, someday you're going to have to answer to the boss. That's the way it is." But Grandma, why this--the boredom of modern life, the anxiety and emptiness this system perpetuates, doctor's offices full of patients depressed, needing a lift, Prozac fix, cookie-cutter subdivisions, copy of a copy of a copy--anyone else want out of this?

George Bush senior, accepting his nomination for president, proclaimed, "This has been called the American Century because in it we were the dominant force for good in the world…Now we are on the verge of a new century, and what country’s name will it bear? I say it will be another American Century."

My younger sister was born in ’88 when I was almost six years old, the year these arrogant words were broadcast. This was before my memories of the radar, glowing green, plastered across national television screens, scenes depicting a war half a world away, where there appeared no blood or gore from my safe living room arena, innocently enticed by these war games. This was just before the economic sanctions our government placed upon Iraq in hopes that Saddam would crack only to cause suffering for people already poverty stricken, unable to provide their children with adequate food and water supplies. We tightened the grip and Saddam rationed food while living lavishly in his many palaces, didn’t appear to be starving or dying from cancer caused by depleted uranium that we dropped on his country, blowing seeds of radiation that soon infested that nation. And now that I’m old enough to employ my right to vote, it doesn't even seem to matter anymore as I witness yet another bold attempt to rid the world from this ruthless oppressor. Shocked I watched in awe, dumbstruck by the horrific scenes of cities burning in the name of liberation while a handful of viewers near me actually seemed pleased, smugly replying with outdated rhetoric, "My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, let freedom ring," This, their justification for murder? 

My country, my own life, said to be in danger, a new kind of war, that on terrorism, I should support my president’s plea for more money to spend on death squads, bombs and state-of-the-art jets produced by big business Boeing and Raytheon, world leaders in weapon technology raking in billions by strategically eradicating the 'other' from the binary of rich vs. poor. Thought fear-mongering was illegal, but it seems Tom Ridge is getting away clean even setting up websites like to promote his propaganda, urging the purchasing of necessary protective provisions like plastic window coverings and duct tape, you know, just in case. This reminds me of old Cold War clamor, now turning our very own home into a nuclear fallout shelter.

I am scared, but not because Al-Qaida or Saddam will be knocking on my door with an envelope of anthrax, no, I’m scared of my very own government and the authorities that patrol claiming to "serve and protect." I’m scared of talking too loud, pissing off the majority crowd or Mr. Ashcroft who may not believe my ideas fit within the slim spectrum of his Patriot Act that has been ever-so-swiftly stripping me of my so-called rights. Will we have a repeat of the gruesome scenes during the Nixon scheme? “Young people speakin' their mind; gettin' so much resistance from behind.” I walk the lonely streets talking to laid-off laborers filing for unemployment, discouraged and giving up the fight to find more work, desperate for a job, any job, busting their asses until bent over with back aches, working till their late sixties and seventies just trying to make rent 'cuase our social security's been spent. I cringe when I hear conversations about the lazy poor who are only afflicted due to lack of commitment or brains, seemingly slumming it by choice, while the ivy leagues enjoy tea religiously every Sunday. These intellectuals dehumanized, desensitized and socialized, internalizing the filter devices that reward conformity and obedience.

My public education, come to think of it, was all, if not most, one big vacuum, tried to, teachers unintentionally abetting, zap the creativity from this tender brain altering life into the warped mundane, trailed like an ant surrendering reason to the queen of social hierarchy rebelliously conforming with a blinder on, I remember watching TV for far too long…rode that trolley until one day I got off and everything just stopped...slowing my footsteps I recognized the scenery of a familiar smile and laughter pulsed its way back into my toes until I skipped to my loo all the way home and packed my bags for the road, laughing at suits shaking their fingers, muttering ‘adapt-or-die’-like phrases hoping to scam or scare me into social obligations, surrendering to the captain without question,  my heart beats repression when I’d rather be climbing a tree or planting some vegetables to harvest...

Unborn fetuses seem to have more rights than most sentient beings tangibly surrounding me, myself included, and I think, “there's got to be some kinda way outta this...”

So here I am still besieged with right and wrong, try to keep on keepin’ on, knowing I’m not the only one, three million plus without jobs, I decide to apply for the big time and since I’m a long shot I hope to have the courage and the know-how to tell it like it is, at least how I perceive this reality I’ve been dealt, ain’t got no cards up my sleeve just a middle class girl feelin’ deceived by the present day quandary of a democracy delusion, contradictions from all walks of life...

My existance as a middle class suburbanite has been an easily paved super highway of disinformation. Trying to “Be Here Now” isn’t easy, meditating on fundamental sustainability, but I’ m thankful for the insight and idealism that have soulfully washed over the apathy this society often times creates lending to the conventional "wisdom" of indifference that makes my heart ache.

Here I stand, bright eyed and bushy tailed, caught a case of the American dreamer for almost six years consecutively ‘till sporadically fruition dawned on me as I bit into a genetically engineered slice of apple pie, Americanized fruit flies had been telling me lies, swarming and incessant until I walked away unhampered one day with a bit of my past still biting…took the scenic route and climbed up and down a mountain or two, looking over the synchronized peaks decided not to turn back preserving status quo and instead leaned into the cool breeze, allowing perfect life flow to rock me awake and steady... 

Dissent is Patriotic!