Lantto & Lantto 2004
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Action: What can I do?
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It's easy to want change, sometimes it's hard to figure out what you can do.  Here are some ideas:

You can use this uniform letter, or write your own.  If you use this you can use my name or add your name below.  I don't mind- just get the message out!!

We are at a crossroads, an extremely unique moment in history.  You and I have the power to alter the course of events, to give the historians something else to write about besides war.  Don’t believe that you can make a difference?  Read on.

THEN: The past few months have been dictated by people who seem distant in our lives; George W. Bush and his minions known as the administration.  We’ve felt powerless as talking heads on the media tell us the world news.  We’ve lived in fear as the government has told us to “Get Ready Now”.  To ensure our safety we need to buy duct tape and accept the Patriot Act.  We’ve been socialized to believe that security can only be obtained through strength, war, and domination.  That we are not to inquiry about governmental motives unless we want the stigma of a scarlet letter branded to our foreheads reading, “This person is not a patriot”.  We’ve been told to consume, told when to go outside by color-coded orange and red alerts, and worst of all in this liberal democracy, we’ve been told not to ask questions.

THE PRESENT: The success of our society doesn’t depend on distant leaders who make their own personal decisions without a democratic majority.  YOU and I, the ordinary and extraordinary citizens, have more power to affect the decisions being made than we realize.  YOU and I do not need to be living in fear, we should not have to pay for a preemptive war, and we do not need to feel helpless anymore.  Furthermore, new information shows that our “leaders” have distorted evidence and lied to us.  Think about the devastating consequences in the years ahead for us:  corporations are ruining our environment, the economy is in shambles, civil liberties are treated as a discontinued fad, our children are left with an estimated $480 billion deficit, while our veterans’ benefits are being cut.

TOGETHER WE CAN alter the course of history by starting here in our own communities.  Instead of living in fear and anger, we can concentrate on creativity and building positive and respectful relationships with our neighbors.  Take 1 hour out of the week to talk with people at work, at church, in the grocery store about their lives and how current politics are affecting us.  Raise your consciousness by listening to independent media outlets while keeping an open mind to learning about and supporting alternative forms of energy, small businesses and local farmers.  It is just as effective to write a letter of support or disapproval to your state representatives or local politicians as it is to pray for peace.  Demand that the government create a Department of Peace and a War Prevention Fund to promote a non-violent and cooperative substitute for war.  Get involved with a progressive group of your choice that seeks to encourage spending our tax dollars on primary education, health care, and human rights.  Most importantly, try your hardest to be kind and flex your heart muscle with pride.  Genuinely smile as much as possible, aim not to demean fellow human beings even those you disagree with most, and instead, exercise your right to vote by voting them out of office.

YOU and I can affect the course of events that make up history.  All YOU have to do is ask yourself if it is going in the right direction.  If it’s not, YOU can do something about it!

Your name HERE
Your city & state HERE

Richard J. Bourgeois wrote a letter that was printed in the Mining Journal!!


Vote for Peace, Prosperity and Health care for all


On Sept 25 I was inspired by a MJ letter to the editor  "you can do something".

Lanni Alecia Lantto  in her  article pointed out that if we do not like the direction our country is heading - unending wars,  increasing joblessness and lack of healthcare - we need to vote in 2004.

Who however, with many candidates running - has the past record and best plans to promote "peace, prosperity and healthcare for all".  Who has a Kennedy like vision - promoting world peace?   Who has a Roosevelt vision (both Teddy and FDR) regulating corporate profiteering and environmental destruction and promoting public work projects and jobs that pay a living wage and providing retirement security?  Who like Truman has a vision for affordable healthcare for all Americans?  

Al Sharpton has said in regards to voting for a real change - "don’t vote for an elephant in a donkey suit".   Dennis Kucinich, many believe is a "democrats- democrat and a true peace candidate for president and has the best plan to change and lead America in the right direction.    He has opposed the Iraq war from the start and opposes the occupation of Iraq and supports bringing the troops home.  Kucinich and an increasing number of Americans recognize that our present imperialistic foreign policy incourages terrorism and makes our county less safe and monies spent on war and the military could be better spent on public works jobs, healthcare and education (free college) at home.   Kucinich in congress is the originator or co-sponsor of Bills for creating a Dept of Peace and a peaceful foreigh policy (HR1673) and providing  "Medicare for all" including prescription drugs (HR 676).  Kucinich opposes the additional 87 billion for the Iraq occupation and reconstruction in its present form and calls for the placing of Iraq development under UN political control and the orderly replacement of US troops with UN peacekeepers. 

Thanks again to the MJ for putting out the message that "you can do something" and that we need to inform ourselves to vote properly for "peace, prosperity and healthcare for all"




Major news sources are owned by big corporation and can be extremely bias (for the big guns in the WH).  Real stories are out there and easy to find- their censored for a reason.  Knowledge is power and it is up to us to read the facts in order to have a real debate or just stop believing their narcisistic lies.  Read them here:
Watch documentaries such as Michael Moore's, Bowling for Columbine or this new one that uncovers the lies leading up to the Iraq War from credible sources within the White House.

Diamonds 23

The War Resisters League guide to empowering people without guns or much money.
How to be a mosquito for peace:
1.) Be Informed
2.) Call into Talk Shows
3.) Share literature
4.) Resist War Taxes
5.)  Invest Responsibly (wise bank choices)
6.)  Write the Editor
7.)  Talk with Friends
8.)  Go Graphic (wear buttons, bumper stickers)
9.)  Lobby
10.) Contribute money or time (leave in will)
11.)  Politicize your Office
12.)  Make use of Elections
13.)  Boycott
14.)  Teach Peace (oppose highschool ROTC recruitment)
15.)  Organize and Demonstrate


Red Beating Heart

Sara and I have been in cousinly adoration and love with each other for 21 years--although I think I loved her even before she was born.  We always knew we would make this journey together and here we are.  It wouldn't be possible if we didn't love each other dearly.  So our advice to you is:  NO MATTER WHAT, THROUGH THICK AND THIN, LOVE IS WHERE WE MUST BEGIN.  Love everyone you meet no matter how annoying they are (Sara annoys the shit outta me sometimes, but, hey, I take a deep breath, and remember her good qualities).  God knows we annoy each other.  Pass it on, rejoice in the streets!  (yes, we are totally lame....)

Talk. Talk. Talk.
Work. Work. Work.
Talk. Talk. Talk.

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide
Oh, even talk to friends over seas and tell
them we don't agree with the current
administration's foreign policy and unilateral

(postcard photo: Greg Gorman)
Don't vote for men like this!
We need to stop accepting a society where we are mixing entertainment with politics!  Governing our nation is not a game.  But we are beginning to live in one big video game or high budget movie.  Don't believe me check out the new video game "Desert Storm 2: Back to Baghdad", the Terminator is the Governor of California, & Bush has an action doll figure! 


Click on the link below to get in-depth profiles and agendas of all the Democratic candidates running for the 2004 election. 

Know the Candidates!

Play a game to eliminate candidates!

The power of being female is under-valued but incredibly strong.  Women give life into this patriarchial & male/dominance/'war solves all' world, we should have a say in the killing of our children.  They come from our wombs & they die before us.  This expert is from "Original Mother's Day Proclamation" in 1870 and still applies to today:
Arise all Women.  Our sons [& daughters] will be taken from us to unlearn all that we've taught them of charity, mercy & patience.  Tender to those of other countries where sons [& daughters] are trained to injure ours.  A general counsel of women without limit of nationality may be appointed and held at some place convienant- to promote alliance b/w nationalities, amicable settlement of international questions, & an interest of peace.
Be concerned about what happened in Miami recently.  Protestors against the FTAA where brutalized by police;  shot in the head with rubber bullets, pepper sprayed into medical clinics, beaten with batons.  They are trying to quiet us with fear and violence b/c they fear we are mobilizing and want a regime change.  There is no other reason, b/c we are rising up- so please do anything you can to educate yourself about this protest in Miami on November 19-21 and tell your media or friends!

Dissent is Patriotic!