Lantto & Lantto 2004
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Welcome Nature

It was a grand total of 3 months & 3 days out on the open road.
Now, we have both temporarily relocated but are diligently writing night and day in hopes to create a narrative out of this insightful trip.  Please e-mail us if you have publishing tips and we will keep you all posted with more newsletters of course!  Keep safe and surrounded by LOVE!

Hey, Lanni?  Yeah Sara?  Are you happy with the state of affairs in this country and abroad?  What you mean sweetcheeks?  Well, you know, I'm talking 'bout our lives, this society, this so-called democracy, and this president who appears to be the anti-christ taking over Washington.  Now that you mention it, I'm caught in a spiderweb of routine acceptance of governmental propaganda.  I want to stray from the herd of cattle marching to the slaughter and speak my mind with my fellow Americans.  I want to boycott traditional thinking of redemtive violence and advocate nonviolence as a strategy for resisting evil.  Absolutely, I don't want to belong to this herd mentality, struck dumb and silent from fear-mongering, and I'm sick of the administration's lewd suggestions to induce conformity.  What are your plans in 2004?  Wanna run for president?  Why not, we can't do any worse, right?!

There is no more important patriot in this nation than the citizen who has the guts to stands up and tell the official establishment that it is wrong.  --unknown

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce and brave (wo)man, hated and scorned.  When his(her) cause succeeds however, the timid join him(her), for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."    --Mark Twain
Lanni & Sara at a rally in Chicago. 
Sign reads, "We're on a Road Trip too.  Vote No Bush". 
photo: Erin Price

If the spirit of love is in charge of our thought forms we are more charitable.  We bless instead of condemn; we support instead of deride; we forgive instead of attack; we love instead of fear.  --Marianne Williamson

"A very few - as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and
[wo]men serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it."
-Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

Just so you know:  Unfortunately in our two party system a real candidacy of two young girls running as independents is not feasible.  Thus, in a way this website is a farce and meant to be a fun documentation of a road trip circling the United States.  In another way, we are completely serious about our cultural & political message.  We are dissatisfied with not only this current (and past) administrations but the social landscape that is defining America.  We are on a search for self-realization, to learn truths, to advance inner & outer peace, to raise awareness and get people thinking, to listen to fellow citizens, & to develop answers on how change can be made possible.  We created this website in hopes to share our journey with close friends & family members.  While on the road, we've decided to also make it a source of laughs, insights we've humbly learned so far, & ideas on how to initiate practical change.  First & foremost, in the grand scheme of things- this trip is not about us- it is about all of us.  It's important for us to express that absolutely nothing on this site is meant to be narcissistic or vain, we leave that up to GW Bush & other money hungry mislead individuals.  We hope you enjoy & laugh at the fun stuff and formulate your own opinions on the serious stuff.  But, it is always necessary for sanity's sake to mix the two!

Dissent is Patriotic!