Lantto & Lantto 2004
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Raised in the wilderness of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, she adapted well to her abrasive environment of under age beer bonging and yooper accents.  Lanni was able to attend the University of Michigan when her godfather left her some funds to help with the high tuition.  Grazie mio zio Primo.  Before graduating with a Women's Studies & French degree, her passions were group organizing, activating, sports broadcasting, & comedy productions.  Afterall, laughing is life.  Upon graduation, she spent some time in Canada expanding her mind to Canadian politics.  As Bush and his administration were determined to take over the world (global domination!), Canada was trying hard to maintain it's own identity.  But, the Big Bully syndrome wasn't just limited to foreign countries it was happening in our own country.  Along with her cousin, Sara, they would embark on a journey around the United States.  Realizing the seriousness of Ashcroft and his Patriot Act, of tax payers money not being spent on education & health care, the lies and deception of our people by our "leaders", and the need to vote in the upcoming election- here they are, doing the only thing they can do as citizens--talking and raising consciousness with their fellow friends & skeptics about the current state of affairs and the need for a grassroots upheavel to take our country back.  All future plans of circus juggling and big band tuba playing have been put on hold.

Once elected "most likely to join the circus" by fellow peers, Miss Sara Sophia has always been a bit of a clown, hardly taking herself seriously.  Upon receiving her diploma she opted against university and instead flew to New York City (boy her wings were tired...yes, slapstick comedy really gets her going...knee slap, crackle, pop) where she nearly drown in the grey matter surrounding her (when you move to NYC or any other large city over a thousand miles away from your hometown at the tender age of eighteen make sure you are not deeply rooted in any serious relationship...otherwise, everything around you turns into said grey matter and the world seems to slip from grasp-- Just a warning.) Caught up in a fever of school applications, theater classes, serving too much food to too many cheap tourists in times square, attending the jewish community center's bi-weekly aerobics class, selling women makeovers on the street (she was only mauled with a purse twice), and maintaining her sanity in the city that never sleeps, she found herself bed-ridden and realized that big city life was not her cup of fair trade coffee.  Confused and bewildered she packed up what little she owned and has, in truth, been wandering ever since, if at times only in her mind...She strolled along the west coast, specifically northern California where she encouraged wee little girls to manifest their full potential as wild women in the woods, aka camp counselor in Redwoods, and for two years attended the University of Arizona, at times deeply enthralled in studies and proactive organizing and volunteering, while other occasions panicked and disgruntled by the institutional slavery that kept her gypsy soul grounded surrounded by four walls and a room full of kids, most of whom stared at the clock waiting for lecture to be finished. Invited to join Tucson's most wicked improv troupe, Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed, she mildly amused half-drunk handfuls of people accidentally wandering into the bar (she quit before the group really took off--she is quite familiar with preemptive desertion, in fact). Withdrawing from fall classes for the last time and forsaking her beloved bikram yoga, she caught a ride with a nice boy up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (for those of you unfamilar with YooperLand, check the map, it does exist), leaving behind a manic lifestyle in search of herself (insert tear drop here)...touching, eh? As all obligations to society have been severed, what better time to hop on the road with her soul sister, that infamous cousin Lanni Lantto, with high hopes of spreading wildflower seeds of a revolutionary magnitude.  Pick up a bouquet as we pass through your town...mmm, the radical scent of our deep divergence from our country's dangerous leaders smells delicious!

We thought it would only be fair to give equal credit to our competitor.  We feel extremely humbled next to this fine specimen of ambition and merit.  His accomplishments are quiet lengthy so put on your specticals.

 Daddy thank you for me being born rich!

George Bush's Resume

photo credit: LaRouche Publication

credit: LaRouche Publication

Dissent is Patriotic!